A Step-by-Step Guide on How To Be a Daily Writer.

Sticking to a daily writing habit is the hardest.

Only when I vowed to do this "30-day writing challenge" that things changed.

If you promised to write daily and struggle to commit, you just found your goldmine!

Do you struggle to write every day?

This 5500-word, 17-page e-book, will teach you how to:

  • Be an effective storyteller.
  • Produce quality content every day.
  • Build a healthy writing system.
  • Prevent burnout and writer's block

I am Beau, a former campus journalist. Apart from my career in applied science, I'm a consistent writer on Quora. My mission is to help people become writers of substance; writers who can master both the art and business of publishing.


Writing every day is easier said than done.

This struggle is nothing different when you are working out.

When you are at the gym and you start sweating, you are more than energized to do additional reps because you’re pumped. Your body is in its ideal condition, ready to devour your workout routine with no crumbs.

But remember the moment when you’re cozy in your room and this voice crosses your mind: “Hey, it’s Wednesday. It’s your upper-back day. Enough with that Netflix,” and your clock says it’s already 2:30 PM.

You’re late.

You surely went, “Oh man, come on. I am almost done with this 10th episode,” and you contemplated finishing watching. But then you remembered your trainer telling you to not be late. And so you crawled out of bed and took a shower in complete frustration.

This is exactly what I was feeling every day before.

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